Jeffrey S. Poulin, Ph.D.
Publications appear in reverse chronological order.
Elliot, Russell W., Jeffrey S. Poulin, and Rosemary Desantis Paradis (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), System
and Method of Prioritizing Automated Translation of Communications from a First
Human Language to a Second Human Language, U.S. Patent 8,645,120, 4
February 2014.
Huberty, Michael and Jeffrey S. Poulin (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), "System and Method of Postal Charge Assessment," European Patent 1696391, 18 February 2013.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. (To Lockheed Martin Corporation),
Revenue Protection and Adjustment of Postal Indicia Products, U.S. Patent 8,209,267, 26 June 2012.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Architecture and Collaboration on Large Scale
Industry Programs, Panel Position, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Software
Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN)
Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, 10 May 12.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., LM
ADQP: Development & Qualification Program for Architects and Technical
Leaders, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Software Engineering Institute
(SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference, St. Petersburg,
FL, 9 May 12.
Elliot, Russell W. and Jeffrey S. Poulin, (To Lockheed Martin
Corporation), System
and Method of Prioritizing Automated Translation of Communications from a First
Human Language to a Second Human Language, U.S. Patent 8,086,440, 27
December 2011.
Elliot, Russell W., Audrey Ferry, Jeffrey S. Poulin, Linda H. Rockwood (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), System and method of identifying and sorting international mail pieces based on applied-postage adequacy in order to enhance postal service revenue protection, U.S. Patent 8,036,994, 11 October 2011.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Automatic Verification of Postal Indicia Products, U.S. Patent 8,005,764, 23 August 2011.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Automatic
Verification of Postal Indicia Products, U.S. Patent 7,937,332, 3
May 2011.
Poulin, Jeffrey,
S., A
Four-in-One View of Architecture, unpublished, 26 Mar 2010.
Elliot, Russell W., Audrey Ferry, Jeffrey S. Poulin, Linda H.
Rockwood (To Lockheed
Martin Corporation), System
and method of identifying and sorting international mail pieces based on
applied-postage adequacy in order to enhance postal service revenue protection,
U.S. Patent 7,451,119, 11 November 2008.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Graeme S. Urquhart (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Automated
postal voting system and method," U.S. Patent 7,427,025, 23
September 2008.
Elliot, Russell
W., Michael A. Heaton, Jeffrey S. Poulin (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Portable
transaction terminal having an image recognition system, U.S. Patent
7,353,990, 8 April 2008.
Elliot, Russell,
Keri C. Ovando, Jeffrey S. Poulin, Robert Strebel (To Lockheed Martin
Corporation), System
and method of identifying and sorting response services mail pieces in
accordance with plural levels of refinement in order to enhance postal service
revenue protection, U.S. Patent 7,301,115, 27 November 2007.
Elliot, Russell
W., Michael A. Heaton, Jeffrey S. Poulin (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Portable
transaction terminal having an image recognition system, U.S. Patent
7,118,032, 10 October 2006.
Carlson, Brent, Eric Marks, and Jeffrey S Poulin,
SOA Governance, LogicLibrary Audio Podcast, 2 September 2005.
Carlson, Brent, Eric Marks, and Jeffrey S Poulin,
SOA, Software Reuse, and Metadata Catalogs- A Roundtable Interview with
Industry Experts, LogicLibrary White
Paper, 15 March 2005.
Poulin, Jeffrey
S., Robert Strebel, Joseph P. Zanovitch (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Coding
depth file and method of postal address processing using a coding depth file,
U.S. Patent 6,829,369, 7 December 2004.
Coffelt, David
J., Robert M. Krohn, Jeffrey Scott Poulin, Alfred T. Rundle (To Lockheed Martin
Corporation), System
and method of deferred postal address processing, U.S.
Patent 6,816,602, 9 November 2004.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Brent Carlson, Organizing
for Reuse, LogicLibrary White Paper,
26 February 2004.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Brent Carlson, The
Business Case for Software Reuse, Computerworld, 2 February 2004.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Brent Carlson, Selling
Software Reuse to Management, LogicLibrary
White Paper, 18 August 2003.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. Introduction
to System Architecture: A Managers Guide to Building better Information
Systems. Draft book (unpublished), 24 November 2002.
Beach, Douglas,
J., Jeffrey Scott Poulin, Linda H. Rockwood, Richard C. Van Hall, Joseph P.
Zanovitch (To Lockheed Martin Corporation), Variable-length
message formats and methods of assembling and communicating variable-length
messages, U.S. Patent 6,483,446B1, 19 November 2002.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Measurement and Metrics for Software
Components, in George T. Heineman and William Councill (eds.). Component
Based Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, 2001, pp.
Apperly, Hedley, Grady Booch, et al.,
The Near-Term Future of Component-Based Software Engineering, in George T.
Heineman and William Councill (eds.). Component
Based Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, 2001, pp.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Creating
Incentives for Reuse in Your Organization, Content and
Community, 7 December 2001.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Seven
Tips for Building a Better Reuse Library, Content and
Community, 13 July 2001.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Strategies
for Implementing a Successful Reuse Library, Content and
Community, 7 July 2001.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., David DuBois, Pat Driscoll,
Fulton Gee, Robert Pratt, Dan Schmidt, and Wei Zhan, Managing Inventory, Orders, and Supply Chains with
Oracle Applications 11i, 2001 Lockheed Martin Joint Symposium,
Orlando, FL, 4-6 June 2001. Updated at the 2001 Lockheed Martin Mission
Critical Enterprise Systems Symposium, Orlando, FL, 22-24 October 2001.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Walter A. Johnson, Cost Drivers Affecting Deployment of COTS-Based Systems,
Proceedings of the Focused Workshop on COTS-Based Systems, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 7-9 February 2001.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Putting Reuse
Research into Practice, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on
Software Reusability (SSR99), Los Angeles, CA, 21-23 May 1999, pp.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Software
Reuse: Been There, Done That, Communications of the ACM (CACM),
Vol. 42, No. 5, May 1999, pp. 98-100.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Don Batory,
Larry Latour, and Stephen Edwards, 9th Workshop
on Institutionalizing Software Reuse (WISR99) Workshop Summary, ACM
SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 24, No. 3, May 1999, pp. 29-31.
Matheney, Fred (ed.), Small
Changes: 15 Quick Tricks to Add Spice to Your Training, Bicycling,
March 1999, pp. 73-76.
Batory, Don, Stephen Edwards, Larry Latour, and
Jeff Poulin (eds). Proceedings
of the 9th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse (WISR'99). Austin, TX, 7-9
January 1999. Austin, TX, 7-9 January 1999.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., The
Foundation for Reuse, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Workshop on
Software Reuse (WISR99), Austin, TX, 7-9 January 1999.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Selling Reuse to Management,
Fourth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC,
24-28 October 1998, pp. 551-552.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., and Prem Devanbu, 5th International Conference on Software Reuse
(ICSR5) Conference Summary, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes,
Vol. 23, No. 5, September 1998, pp. 30-35.
Devanbu, Prem and Jeffrey S. Poulin (eds.). Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Software Reuse. Victoria, BC, 2-5 June
Poulin, Jeffrey S., High Performance Oracle8
Object-Oriented Design, review of book by David A. Anstey, Coriolis Group
Books, 1998, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 23, No. 3, May
1998, pp. 127-128. Also in IEEE Software, Vol. 16, No. 3, May/June 1999,
pp. 105-106.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Carol Hayes, and Chris Pathe, The System
Architectures of Major Lockheed Martin Programs, Lockheed Martin
Systems and Software Engineering Symposium, New Orleans, LA, 13-15 May
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Fueling
Software Reuse with Metrics, Object, September 1997, pp. 42-46.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Reuse Metrics Deserve a Warning
Label: The Pitfalls of Measuring Software Reuse, Crosstalk: The Journal
of Defense Software Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 7, July 1997, pp. 22-24. Also
available from the Air Force Software Technology Support Center (STSC) WWW
Poulin, Jeffrey S., On
the Contributions of Reuse Research and Development to the
State-of-the-Practice in Reuse, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT
Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR'97), Boston, MA, 17-20 April 1997,
pp. 214-215. Published in ACM Software Engineering Notes (SEN), Vol. 22,
No. 3, May 1997.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., The
Economics of Software Product Lines, International Journal of Applied
Software Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1997, pp. 20-34.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. Domains,
Product Lines, and Software Architectures: Choosing the Appropriate Level of
Abstraction, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Software
Reuse (WISR97), Columbus, OH, 23-26 March 1997.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. Measuring Software Reuse:
Principles, Practices, and Economic Models. Addison-Wesley (ISBN
0-201-63413-9), Reading, MA, 1997.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Evolution
of a Software Architecture for Management Information Systems,
Proceedings of the Second International Software Architecture Workshop
(ISAW-2), San Francisco, CA, 14-15 October 1996, pp. 134-137.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., The
Search for a General Reusability Metric, Workshop on Reuse and the NASA
Software Strategic Plan, Fairfax, VA, 24-27 September 1996, pp. 560-562.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Norm Kemerer,
Mike Freeman, Tim Becker, Kathy Begbie, Cheryl D'Allesandro,
and Chuck Makarsky, A
Reuse-Based Software Architecture for Management Information Systems, Fourth
International Conference on Software Reuse, Orlando, Florida, 23-26 April
1996, pp. 94-103.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Software
Reuse Metrics, Reusability Metrics, and Economic Models: A Tutorial, Proceedings
of the Seventh Annual Software Technology Conference (STC'96), Salt Lake
City, Utah, 21-26 April 1996.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., The Software Architecture of
the Army SBIS Program, Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software
Engineering, February 1996, pp. 16-22.
Svoboda, Frank, Fred Maymir-Ducharme,
and Jeff Poulin, SRI Workshop
Summary: Domain Analysis in the DoD, ACM Software Engineering Notes
(SEN), Vol. 21, No. 1, January 1996, pp. 55-67.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Populating Software
Repositories: Incentives and Domain-Specific Software, Journal of
Systems and Software, Vol. 30, No. 3, September 1995, pp. 187-199.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Measuring
the Level of Reuse in Object-Oriented Development, Proceedings of the 7th
International Workshop on Software Reuse, Chicago, IL 28-30 August 1995.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Software Reuse on the Army
SBIS Program, Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering,
July 1995, pp. 19-22. An earlier version appears in The Army Reuse Center
News, Vol. 3, No. 5, February 1995, pp. 4-6.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., SBIS Software Architecture Overview, Technical
Report, JSP-95-02, 5 August 1995.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Domain
Analysis and Engineering: How Domain-Specific Frameworks Increase Software
Reuse, Proceedings of CASE JAPAN'95, Tokyo, Japan, 12-15 July 1995,
pp. B-3/1-3.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Object-Oriented Databases:
Technology, Applications, and Products, review of book by Bindu R. Rao,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1994, IEEE Software, Vol. 12, No. 4, July 1995,
pp. 111-113.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Annotated Bibliography on
Software Reuse, Metrics, and Measurements, Technical Report, JSP-95-01,
18 June 1995. (Updated continuously. Contact the author for information.)
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Keith J. Werkman, Melding
Structured Abstracts and the World Wide Web for Retrieval of Reusable
Components, ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR'95),
Seattle, Washington, 28-30 April 1995, pp. 160-168. A reprint of the SSR95
proceedings appears in a special issue of ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering
Notes, August 1995, pp. 160-168.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Measuring
Software Reusability, Third International Conference on Software Reuse,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-4 November 1994, pp. 126-138.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Panel Leader, Debate on Reuse Libraries, Third
International Conference on Software Reuse, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-4
November 1994, p. 202.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and David D. Brown, Measurement-Driven Quality Improvement in the MVS/ESA
Operating System, 2nd International Symposium on Software Metrics,
London, UK, 24-26 October 1994, pp. 17-25.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Keith J. Werkman, Software Reuse
Libraries with Mosaic, 2nd International World Wide Web Conference:
Mosaic and the Web, Chicago, Illinois, 17-20 October 1994. PDF version.
Gaska, Marilyn T. and Jeffrey S. Poulin, Institutionalizing Software Tools and Methods, IEEE
Computer Society Workshop on Software Engineering Technology Transfer,
Dallas, TX, 28-29 April 1994.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., SBIS Reuse Strategy, Technical
Report, JSP-94-02, 22 March 1994.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Balancing
the Need for Large Corporate and Small Domain-Specific Reuse Libraries, Reusability
Track of the 1994 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC94), Phoenix,
Arizona, 6-8 March 1994, pp. 88-93.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., A
Method for Protecting Intellectual Property Rights in Reuse, Technical
Report, JSP-94-01, 15 February 1994.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Debera Hancock and Joseph M. Caruso, The
Business Case for Software Reuse, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 32, No.
4., 1993, pp. 567-594.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., and Kathryn P. Yglesias, Experiences with
a Faceted Classification Scheme in a Large Reusable Software Library (RSL),
Seventeenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications
Conference, Phoenix, AZ, 3-5 November 1993, pp. 90-99.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Will Tracz, and Marilyn Gaska,
WISR6 Results and Press Release, November 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Larry Latour (eds). Proceedings of the 6th
Annual Workshop on Software Reuse (WISR93). Owego, New York, 2-4
November 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., A
Method for Assessing Cross Life-cycle Reuse, Proceedings of the 6th
International Workshop on Software Reuse, Owego, New York, 2-4 November
Dmochowski, Jeffrey R. and Jeffrey S. Poulin, Integrated Software Development Environment
for Army Information Systems, IBM International Technology Liaison on
Information/Technology Integration, Thornwood, New York, 1-2 November 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Integrated
Support for Software Reuse in Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), ACM
Software Engineering Notes (SEN), Vol. 18, No. 4, October 1993, pp. 75-82.
Brown, David D. and Jeffrey S. Poulin, Metric-Based Defect Prevention in MVS, IBM
Technical Report, TR 99.9354, 15 September 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Findings
from a Corporate Reuse Incentive Program, IBM Technical Report, TR
99.9353, 1 September 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Bibliography on Software
Metrics, and Measurements, and Reuse, IBM Technical Report, TR 99.9352,
1 September 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Intellectual
Property Guidelines for Reusers, Technical Report, JSP-93-01, 8
July 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Reuse Metrics at IBM, in Trudy Levine,
ed., Reusable Software Components, ACM Ada Letters, Vol. 13, No. 4,
July/August 1993, pp. 23-28.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., The Role of Metrics in Object-Oriented Software
Development, panel position for the 6th IBM Object-Oriented Software
Development Conference, Toronto, Canada, 19-23 July 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Issues
in the Development and Application of Reuse Metrics in a Corporate Environment,
Fifth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering, San Francisco, CA, 16-18 June 1993, pp. 258-262.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., The
IBM Reuse Metrics: Quantifying Software Reuse, IBM Software Development
Conference, Denver, CO, 11-14 May 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Joseph M. Caruso, Determining the Value of a Corporate Reuse Program,
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society International Software Metrics
Symposium, Baltimore, MD, 21-22 May 1993, pp. 16-27.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Kathryn P. Yglesias, Organization and
Component Classification in the IBM Reuse Library, IBM Technical
Report, TR 00.3730, 15 April 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Rationale
and Criteria for the IBM Reuse Metrics, IBM Technical Report, TR
00.3726, 15 April 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Documented
Results of Software Reuse: Quantified Savings and Benefits, IBM
Technical Report (IBM Confidential), TR 00.3727, 1 April 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., An
Object-Oriented Database Model for Integrated Software Reuse in Computer-Aided
Software Engineering (CASE), IBM Technical Report TR 00.3731, 1
April 1993.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., and Masao J. Matsumoto, Economics and Reuse, Panel Leader and Working
Group Leader, Second International Workshop on Software Reusability, Lucca,
Italy, 24-26 March 1993, published in Tracz, Will, ed., Second International
Workshop on Software Reusability, Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense
Software Engineering, Special Edition, 1993, pp. 26-29.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Joseph M. Caruso, A Reuse Measurement and Return on Investment Model,
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Software Reusability,
Lucca, Italy, 24-26 March 1993, pp. 152-166.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Measuring Reuse,
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Reuse, Palo
Alto, California, 26-29 October 1992.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., IBM Reuse Methodology:
Building Reusable Components, IBM Corporation Document Number Z325-0685,
2 October 1992.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., IBM Reuse Methodology: Legal
Issues for Programmers, IBM Corporation Document Number Z325-0689, 2
October 1992.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and W.E. Hayes, IBM Reuse
Methodology: Measurement Standards, IBM Corporation Document Number
Z325-0682, 2 October 1992.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., A Reuse Metrics and Measurements Process, IBM
Technical Report, TR 00.3716, 11 September 1992.
Poulin, Jeffrey S., Army Integrates Computers for Improved Processing,
Signal: Journal of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics
Association, Fairfax, VA, May 1990, pp. 141-143.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. Object-Oriented
CAD Database Support for Software Reusability in Computer Aided Software
Engineering Environments. Doctoral Dissertation. Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, May 1989.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. and Martin Hardwick, Adapting Object-Oriented CAD Database Concepts
for Computer Aided Software Engineering, Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
Seoul, Korea, April 1989, pp. 201-208.
Poulin, Jeffrey S. Automated Analysis of
Programs with the Halstead Software Complexity Metrics. Master's
Project. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, August 1986.
Graham, Richard C., John K. Robertson and Jeffrey
S. Poulin, Automated Acquisition, Filtering, and
Reduction of Ion Chromatograph Data, Proceedings of the National
Symposium on Recent Advances in Pollutant Monitoring of Ambient Air and
Stationary Sources, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Research
Triangle Park, NC, January 1984, pp. 276-289.